VDJ Script Accessibility Commands

This information is for users that know vdjscript, and want to customize there own custom keyboard mapper, or want to customize there controllers mappings to have accessibility features.

Note. We use the VDJ script command ‘show_text’ to sen commands to the speech engine. for example show_text ‘@MasterVolume@’, will announce the master volume slider position..

Also note that commands for deck 3 and 4, will only work when using a 4 deck skin or controller.

Here is a list of the accessibility VDJ script commands for you to use.

show_text “@ShutUp@” – interrupt current speech output.
show_text “@SpeechRatePlus@” – Increase rate of speech output.
show_text “@SpeechRateMinus@” – Decrease rate of speech output.
show_text “@SpeechVolumePlus@” – Increase volume of speech output.
show_text “@SpeechVolumeMinus@” – Decrease volume of speech output.
show_text “@MuteSpeech@” – Turn Off / On All Speech Output.
show_text “@AutoVolume@” – Switch On / Off Automatic Announcement of Volume Level changes.
show_text “@AutoEq@” – Switch On / Off Automatic Announcement of EQ Changes.
show_text “@AutoBpm@” – Switch On / Off Automatic Announcement of BPM and Key changes.
show_text “@WarningNotifications@” – Switch On / Off Automatic Announcement of time remaining warning notifications.
show_text “@AutoCrossfade@” – Switch On / Off Automatic Announcement of crossfade position changes.
show_text “@DeckOneBpm@” – Announce the tempo of deck 1.
show_text “@DeckTwoBpm@” – Announce the tempo of deck 2.
show_text “@DeckThreeBpm@” – Announce the tempo of deck 3.
show_text “@DeckFourBpm@” – Announce the tempo of deck 4.
show_text “@DeckOneKey@” – Announce the key of deck 1.
show_text “@DeckTwoKey@” – Announce the key of deck 2.
show_text “@DeckThreeKey@” – Announce the key of deck 3.
show_text “@DeckFourKey@” – Announce the key of deck 4.
show_text “@DeckOneGain@” – Announce the gain level on deck 1.
show_text “@DeckTwoGain@” – Announce the gain level on deck 2.
show_text “@DeckThreeGain@” – Announce the gain level on deck 3.
show_text “@DeckFourGain@” – Announce the gain level on deck 4.
show_text “@HeadphoneGain@” – Announce the gain level of the headphones.
show_text “@MasterVolume@” – Announce the master volume level.
show_text “@AudioCrossfade@” – Announce the crossfade position.
show_text “@VideoCrossfade@” – Announce the video crossfade position.
show_text “@DeckOneVolume@” – Announce the volume level of deck 1.
show_text “@DeckTwoVolume@” – Announce the volume level of deck 2.
show_text “@DeckThreeVolume@” – Announce the volume level of deck 3.
show_text “@DeckFourVolume@” – Announce the volume level of deck 4.
show_text “@HeadphoneVolume@” – Announce the volume level of headphones.
show_text “@fx11@” – Announce the effects name on deck 1, slot 1.
show_text “@fx12@” – Announce the effects name on deck 1, slot 2.
show_text “@fx13@” – Announce the effects name on deck 1, slot 3.
show_text “@fx21@” – Announce the effects name on deck 2, slot 1.
show_text “@fx22@” – Announce the effects name on deck 2, slot 2.
show_text “@fx23@” – Announce the effects name on deck 2, slot 3.
show_text “@fx31@” – Announce the effects name on deck 3, slot 1.
show_text “@fx32@” – Announce the effects name on deck 3, slot 2.
show_text “@fx33@” – Announce the effects name on deck 3, slot 3.
show_text “@fx41@” – Announce the effects name on deck 4, slot 1.
show_text “@fx42@” – Announce the effects name on deck 4, slot 2.
show_text “@fx43@” – Announce the effects name on deck 4, slot 3.
show_text “@SamplerBank@” – Announce the name of the current selected sample bank.
show_text “@SampleCount@” – Announce the total samples on the current selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadOneName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 1 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwoName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 2 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadThreeName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 3 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadFourName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 4 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadFiveName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 5 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadSixName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 6 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadSevenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 7 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadEightName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 8 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadNineName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 9 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 10 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadElevenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 11 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwelveName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 12 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadThirteenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 13 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadFourteenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 14 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadFifteenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 15 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadSixteenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 16 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadSeventeenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 17 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadEighteenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 18 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadNineteenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 19 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentyName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 20 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentyoneName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 21 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentytwoName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 22 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentythreeName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 23 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentyfourName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 24 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentyfiveName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 25 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentysixName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 26 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentysevenName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 27 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentyeightName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 28 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadTwentynineName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 29 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadThirtyName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 30 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadThirtyoneName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 31 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@SamplePadThirtytwoName@” – Announce the name of the sample on pad 32 of the currently selected sample bank.
show_text “@VideoFxName@” – Announce the name of the current video effect.
show_text “@VideoFxStatus@” – Announce the status of the video effect.
show_text “@LeftEQHigh@” – Announce the position of the EQ high band on the left deck.
show_text “@LeftEQMid@” – Announce the position of the EQ Mid band on the left deck.
show_text “@LeftEQLow@” – Announce the position of the EQ Low band on the left deck.
show_text “@RightEQHigh@” – Announce the position of the EQ high band on the right deck.
show_text “@RightEQMid@” – Announce the position of the EQ Mid band on the right deck.
show_text “@RightEQLow@” – Announce the position of the EQ Low band on the right deck.
show_text “@VideoTrans@” – Announce the name of the current video transition effect.
show_text “@VideoOutput@” – Announce status of the video output.
show_text “@Recording@” – Announce status of recording.
show_text “@Beatlock@” – Announce status of beatlock.
show_text “@HeadPhoneCrossfade@” – Announce position of the headphone crossfade.
show_text “@HeadPhoneMix@” – Announce position of the headphone mix crossfade.
show_text “@CrossfadeLink@” – Announce status of video/audio crossfade link.
show_text “@DeckThreeLoop@” – Announce status of loop on deck 3.
show_text “@DeckFourLoop@” – Announce status of loop on deck 4.
show_text “@DeckOneLoop@” – Announce status of loop on deck 1.
show_text “@DeckTwoLoop@” – Announce status of loop on deck 2.
show_text “@LeftKeylock@” – Announce status of keylock on left deck.
show_text “@RightKeylock@” – Announce status of keylock on right deck.
show_text “@PFL3@” – Announce status of PFL on deck 3.
show_text “@PFL4@” – Announce status of PFL on deck 4.
show_text “@PFL1@” – Announce status of PFL on deck 1.
show_text “@PFL2@” – Announce status of PFL on deck 2.
show_text “@SamplerVolume@” – Announce the current sampler volume level.
show_text “@Pitchlock@” – Announce status of pitchlock
show_text “@Microphone@” – Announce status of microphone input
show_text “@Broadcast@” – Announce status of broadcast
show_text “@MicVolume@” – Announce current level of the microphone input