Version 210420
— Help Commands —
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + F1 : Activate / Deactivate Keyboard Shortcuts Helper.
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + F2 : Announce Current Key Map Version.
— Speech Settings Commands —
ESCAPE : Interrupt Current Speech Output.
SHIFT + ESCAPE : Enable or Disable All Speech Output.
PLUS : Increase Speech Setting, Press ‘Shift + F12’ to select Speech Item to Change.
MINUS : Decrease Speech Setting, Press ‘Shift + F12’ to select Speech Item to Change.
— File Browser Keyboard Commands —
LEFT : Move Left to next Browser Panel.
RIGHT : Move Right to next Browser Panel.
ALT + UP : Move Currently Selected Track Up One Position in Current List.
ALT + DOWN : Move Currently Selected Track Down one Position in Current List.
F : Search Mode, Enter Text to search for tracks in the Virtual DJ Database.
RETURN : Expand or Collapse the current folder in the Folder browser Panel.
A : Add Selected Browsed Track to either Automix or Karaoke Panel, If Karaoke Track Then Adds to Karaoke List and Prompts For Singers Name.
SHIFT + A : Add Selected Browsed Track to the Sidelist Panel,
DELETE : Delete the currently selected track from either sidelist, Automix or Karaoke list. NOTE.. Does not delete the file from your system, or the Virtual DJ search Database.
S : Change Sort Order of titles in file browser.
CTRL + ALT + E : Select Command to Execute with ‘E’ on the currently Selected Trak/Folder
E : Perform the Command Selected by ‘CTRL + ALT + E’ on the currently selected track/folder in the browser.
CTRL + ALT + P : Enable Disable Pre Listen.
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + P : Show Pre Listen Options.
SHIFT + MINUS : Decrease Browser font Size.
SHIFT + PLUS : Increase Browser Font Size.
SHIFT + B : Switch Page Keys Mode to Browser Mode
END : Multi Function Key, Press F12 or SHIFT + B to Change Modes. When in Browser Mode, This will move the selection curser to the bottom of the browser list.
HOME : Multi Function Key, Press F12 or SHIFT + B to Change Modes. When in Browser Mode, This will move the selection curser to the top of the browser list.
PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 or SHIFT + B to Change Modes. When in Browser Mode, This will move Selection Cursor Up 10 tracks at a time.
PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 or SHIFT + B to Change Modes. When in Browser Mode, This will move Selection Cursor down 10 tracks at a time.
CTRL + ALT + SPACE : Announce any current browser task status information.
CTRL + ALT + L : Jump directly to the songs suggestions list folder. Pressing a seccond time will move you back to your original browsed folder.
— Deck Keyboard Commands —
TAB : Switch Active Deck.
P : Play Track Loaded on Selected Deck.
CTRL + P : Play Track Loaded on Left Deck.
ALT + P : Play Track Loaded on Right Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + P : Start Playing Track on Left Deck in Sync with Right Deck.
ALT + SHIFT + P : Start Playing Track on Deck Right in Sync with Left Deck.
L : Load Browsed Selected Track on to Selected Deck.
CTRL + L : Load Browsed Selected Track On to Left Deck.
ALT + L : Load Browsed Selected Track On to Right Deck.
U : Unload Track from Selected Deck.
CTRL + U : Unload Track from Left deck.
ALT + U : Unload Track from Right deck.
CTRL + F5 : Reverse the track playing on Left deck.
ALT + F5 : Reverse the track playing on Right deck.
D : Announce which deck numbers are assigned to the Left / Right Decks. (Only Available in 4 Deck Mode)
CTRL + D : Switch Left Decks Active Deck Number between 1 and 3 (Only Available in 4 Deck Mode)
ALT + D : Switch Right Decks Active Deck Number between 2 and 4 (Only Available in 4 Deck Mode)
CTRL + ALT + D : Switch between 2 deck and 4 deck skin layout.
Q : Play Selected deck as cue stop.
CTRL + Q : Play Left deck as cue stop.
ALT + Q : Play Right deck as cue stop.
— Deck Information Announcement Commands (Remaining time, BPM. etc) —
F1 : Announce Remaining time on track playing on deck 1.
F2 : Announce Remaining time on track playing on deck 2.
SHIFT + F1 : Announce Current Tempo of track playing on deck 1.
SHIFT + F2 : Announce Current Tempo of track playing on deck 2.
CTRL + F1 : Announce Current Status of Deck 1, and Details of the current track Loaded on deck 1.
CTRL + F2 : Announce Current Status of Deck 2, and Details of the current track Loaded on deck 2.
F3 : Announce Remaining time on track playing on deck 3 (Only Available on 4 Deck Mode.).
F4 : Announce Remaining time on track playing on deck 4 (Only Available on 4 Deck Mode.)..
SHIFT + F3 : Announce Current Tempo of track playing on deck 3 (Only Available on 4 Deck Mode.)..
SHIFT + F4 : Announce Current Tempo of track playing on deck 4(Only Available on 4 Deck Mode.)..
CTRL + F3 : Announce Current Status of Deck 3, and Details of the current track Loaded on deck 3 (Only Available on 4 Deck Mode.)..
CTRL + F4 : Announce Current Status of Deck4, and Details of the current track Loaded on deck 4 (Only Available on 4 Deck Mode.)..
F9 : Enable / Disable Deck Select Announcement (Useful for users that use a controller).
— Seek Mode and Track Position Keyboard Commands —
CTRL + RIGHT : Move Track On Left Deck Forward by Seek Rate Setting. Note Seek Rate can be changed by using ‘F10’.
CTRL + LEFT : Move Track On Left Deck Backwards by Seek Rate Setting. Note Seek Rate can be changed by using ‘F10’.
ALT + RIGHT : Move Track On Right Deck Forward by Seek Rate Setting. Note Seek Rate can be changed by using ‘F10’.
ALT + LEFT : Move Track On Right Deck Backwards by Seek Rate Setting. Note Seek Rate can be changed by using ‘F10’.
CTRL + ALT + END : Move Play Position to about 10 Percent from the end of the current selected decks track.
CTRL + ALT + HOME : Move to First Detected Beat in Track On Selected Deck.
— Volume and Crossfade Slider Keyboard Commands —
SHIFT + V : Switch Page Key Mode to Volumes Mode.
SHIFT + G : Switch Page Key Mode to Gain Levels Mode.
PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Increase Master Volume. when in Gain mode, This will increase master gain Level.
PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Decrease Master Volume. When in Gain mode, This will Decrease master gain Level.
SHIFT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Increase the master volume by a larger amount. when in Gain mode, This will the increase master gain level by a larger amount.
SHIFT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Decrease Master Volume by a larger amount. When in Gain mode, This will Decrease the master gain level by a larger amount.
CTRL + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Increase the Volume on left deck. When in Gain mode, This will increase the Gain Level on Left Deck.
CTRL + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Decrease the Volume on left deck. When in Gain mode, This will Decrease the Gain Level on Left Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Increase the volume on left deck by a larger amount. when in Gain mode, This will the increase the gain level on left deck by a larger amount.
CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Decrease the Volume on left deck by a larger amount. When in Gain mode, This will Decrease the gain level on Left deck by a larger amount.
ALT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Increase the Volume on right deck. When in Gain mode, This will increase the Gain Level on Right Deck.
ALT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Decrease the Volume on right deck. When in Gain mode, This will Decrease the Gain Level on Right Deck.
ALT + SHIFT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Increase the volume on right deck by a larger amount. when in Gain mode, This will the increase the gain level on Right deck by a larger amount.
ALT + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Decrease the Volume on right deck by a larger amount. When in Gain mode, This will Decrease the gain level on Right deck by a larger amount.
COMMA : Move the audio crossfade to the Left.
PERIOD : Move the audio crossfade to the Right.
SHIFT + COMMA : Move the Video crossfade to the Left.
SHIFT + PERIOD : Move the video crossfade to the Right.
CTRL + COMMA : Move the Headphone crossfade to the Left.
CTRL + PERIOD : Move the Headphone crossfade to the Right.
ALT + COMMA : Move the Headphone Mix Crossfade to the Left.
ALT + PERIOD : Move the Headphone Mix crossfade to the Right.
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + C : Reset All Crossfaders to Center Position.
ALT + SHIFT + LEFT : Move Audio Crossfader full to the left.
ALT + SHIFT + RIGHT : Move Audio Crossfader full to the right.
— Volume and Crossfade Level Announcement Commands —
V : Announce Master Volume Level.
CTRL + V : Announce left deck Volume Level.
ALT + V : Announce right deck Volume Level.
CTRL + ALT + V : Announce Headphone Volume Level.
C : Announce Audio Crossfade Position.
SHIFT + C : Announce Video Crossfade Position.
CTRL + C : Announce Headphone Crossfade Position.
ALT + C : Announce Headphone Mix Position.
— Pad Page Commands —
SHIFT + W : Switch Number Key Row Mode to Pad Page. Note. Pressing ‘W’ twice quickly will set Number Pad keys instead.
CTRL + PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Cycle forward through the favorite Pad pages on the left deck.
CTRL + MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Cycle backwards through the favorite Pad pages on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Cycle forward through all availble Pad pages on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Cycle backwards through all availble Pad pages on the left deck.
ALT + PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Cycle forward through the favorite Pad pages on the right deck.
ALT + MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mo)de, This will Cycle backwards through the favorite Pad pages on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Cycle forward through all availble Pad pages on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Cycle backwards through all availble Pad pages on the right deck.
CTRL + W : When in Pad Page Mode, This will add the current selected pad page on the right deck into the last selected favorite pad page slot.
ALT + W : When in Pad Page Mode, This will add the current selected pad page on the left deck into the last selected favorite pad page slot.
0 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will switch on the announcement mode for the pads, and will announce the name on the pad when they are pressed without performing the action on the pad, press again to exit this mode.
1 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will switch the current pads on deck one between pads 1 to 8 and pads 9 to 16.
2 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will switch the current pads on deck two between pads 1 to 8 and pads 9 to 16.
3 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will switch the current pads on deck three between pads 1 to 8 and pads 9 to 16. (if using four deck mode).
4 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will switch the current pads on deck four between pads 1 to 8 and pads 9 to 16. (if using four deck mode).
SHIFT + 1 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will announce the name of the current pad page on deck one.
SHIFT + 2 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will announce the name of the current pad page on deck two.
SHIFT + 3 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will announce the name of the current pad page on deck three (if using four deck mode).
SHIFT + 4 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will announce the name of the current pad page on deck four (if using four deck mode).
6 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will change all the decks pad pages to the ‘MallMuzik’ pad page.
SHIFT + 6 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will change all the decks pad pages to the ‘Custom’ pad page (Note. the custom pad page can be edited in the MallMuzik Speech Software).
7 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will change all the decks pad pages to the current pad page set as favorite slot one.
SHIFT + 7 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will change all the decks pad pages to the current pad page set as favorite slot two.
8 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will change all the decks pad pages to the current pad page set as favorite slot three.
SHIFT + 8 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will change all the decks pad pages to the current pad page set as favorite slot four.
9 : When in Pad Page Mode, This will assign the current active pad page on deck one, to the last selected favorite slot.
CTRL + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 1 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 1 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 1 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 1 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 2 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 2 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 2 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 2 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 3 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 3 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 3 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 3 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 4 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 4 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 4 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 4 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 5 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 5 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 5 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 5 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 6 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 6 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 6 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 6 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 7 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 7 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 7 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 7 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 8 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 8 of the current selected pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Pad 8 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will Trigger Shift Pad 8 of the current selected pad page on the right deck.
CTRL + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will decrease the parameter for the current pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will increase the parameter for the current pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will decrease the second parameter for the current pad page on the left deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will increase the second parameter for the current pad page on the left deck.
ALT + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will decrease the parameter for the current pad page on the right deck.
ALT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will increase the parameter for the current pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will decrease the second parameter for the current pad page on the right deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + W to Change Modes. When in Pad Page Mode, This will increase the second parameter for the current pad page on the right deck.
— Effects Commands —
SHIFT + E : Switch Number Key Row Mode to Effects. Note. Pressing ‘E’ twice quickly will set Number Pad keys instead.
1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Trigger The Effect On left deck Slot 1.
SHIFT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Effect On left deck Slot 1.
CTRL + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Next Effect On left deck Slot 1.
CTRL + SHIFT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Previous Effect On left deck Slot 1.
2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Trigger The Effect On left deck Slot 2.
SHIFT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Effect On left deck Slot 2.
CTRL + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Next Effect On left deck Slot 2.
CTRL + SHIFT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Previous Effect On left deck Slot 2.
3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Trigger The Effect On left deck Slot 3.
SHIFT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Effect On left deck Slot 3.
CTRL + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Next Effect On left deck Slot 3.
CTRL + SHIFT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Select The Previous Effect On left deck Slot 3.
4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Trigger The Effect On right deck Slot 1.
SHIFT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Effect On right deck Slot 1.
CTRL + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Next Effect On right deck Slot 1.
CTRL + SHIFT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Select The Previous Effect On right deck Slot 1.
5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Trigger The Effect On right deck Slot 2.
SHIFT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Effect On right deck Slot 2.
CTRL + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Next Effect On right deck Slot 2.
CTRL + SHIFT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Select The Previous Effect On right deck Slot 2.
6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Trigger The Effect On right deck Slot 3.
SHIFT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Effect On right deck Slot 3.
CTRL + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Select The Next Effect On right deck Slot 3.
CTRL + SHIFT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Select The Next Effect On right deck Slot 3.
SHIFT + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. when in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Currently Selected Video Transition Effect.
CTRL + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will select the next video transition effect.
0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Enable Disable the master video effect.
SHIFT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will Announce The Current Master Video Effect Name.
CTRL + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + E to Change Modes. When in Effects Mode, This will select the next video effect.
— Sampler Commands —
SHIFT + S : Switch Number Key Row Mode to Sampler. Note. Pressing ‘S’ twice quickly will set Number Pad keys instead.
1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad One of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on pad one of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode the Sampler on Pad One of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of Left Deck on to Sampler Slot One, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot One, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad 2 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on Pad 2 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode the Sampler on Pad Two of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of Left Deck on to Sampler Slot Two, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot Two, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad 3 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on Pad 3 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode the Sampler on Pad Three of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of left deck on to Sampler Slot Three, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot Three, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad 4 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on Pad 4 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode for the Sampler on Pad Four of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of left deck on to Sampler Slot Four, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot Four, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad 5 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on Pad 5 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode the Sampler on Pad Five of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of left deck on to Sampler Slot Five, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot Five, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad 6 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on Pad 6 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode the Sampler on Pad Six of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of left deck on to Sampler Slot Six, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot Six, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad 7 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on Pad 7 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode the Sampler on Pad Seven of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of left deck on to Sampler Slot Seven, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot Seven, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger the Sampler on Pad 8 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
SHIFT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. when in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Sample name on Pad 8 of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + ALT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Trigger in Stutter Mode the Sampler on Pad Eight of the Current Selected Sampler Bank.
CTRL + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of left deck on to Sampler Slot Eight, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
ALT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Record the output of right deck on to Sampler Slot Eight, of the ‘Record’ Sample Bank. If the deck is currently playing a loop, it will save the loop into tha Sample Slot.
9 : Change the pads mapped to number row keys 1 to 8, to pads 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32
SHIFT + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Select the Output for the sampler, either Master and headpones or Just Headphones.
+0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Stop All Current Playing Samples..
CTRL + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Select the next Sample Bank.
SHIFT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in Sampler Mode, This Will Announce the Current Sample Bank and the Total Pads Used.
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in sampler mode, this will show the sampler options menu.
PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in sampler mode, this will Increase the Sampler Volume.
MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + S to Change Modes. When in sampler mode, this will Decrease the Sampler Volume.
— Loop Commands —
SHIFT + L : Switch Number Key Row Mode to Loops. Note. Pressing ‘L’ twice quickly will set Number Pad keys instead.
1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for One Beat On Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for One Beat On left deck.
ALT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for One Beat On right deck.
SHIFT + 1 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 1 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 1 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 1 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 1 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 1 on right deck.
2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Cue Modes, This will activate Loop for 2 Beats.
CTRL + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for Two Beats On left deck.
ALT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for Two Beats On right deck.
SHIFT + 2 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 2 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 2 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 2 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 2 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 2 on right deck.
SHIFT + 3 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 3 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 3 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 3 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 3 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 3 on right deck.
4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. When in Loop Cue Modes, This will activate Loop for One Bar.
CTRL + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for One Bar On left deck.
ALT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for One Bar On right deck.
SHIFT + 4 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 4 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 4 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 4 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 4 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 4 on right deck.
5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Cue Modes, This will activate Loop for 2 Bars.
CTRL + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for Two Bars On left deck.
ALT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for Two Bars On right deck.
SHIFT + 5 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 5 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 5 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 5 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 5 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 5 on right deck.
6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Cue Modes, This will activate Loop for 4 Bars.
CTRL + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for 4 Bars On left deck.
ALT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will activate Loop for 4 Bars On right deck.
SHIFT + 6 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 6 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 6 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 6 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 6 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 6 on right deck.
7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will reloop the current active Loop.
CTRL + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will reloop the current active Loop on left deck.
ALT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will reloop the current active loop on right deck.
SHIFT + 7 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 7 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 7 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 7 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 7 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 7 on right deck.
8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will Half the length of the current active loop.
CTRL + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will Half the length of the Loop On left deck.
ALT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will Half the Length of the Loop on right deck.
SHIFT + 8 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 8 on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + 8 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 8 on left deck.
ALT + SHIFT + 8 : Multi function key, Press ‘F11’ or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will play the audio clip at slice point 8 on right deck.
9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will Double the length of the current active loop.
CTRL + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will Double the Length of the Loop on left deck.
ALT + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will Double the Length of the Loop on right deck.
0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. When in Loop Mode, This will Exit the Current Active Loop.
CTRL + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will exit the Loop on left deck.
ALT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This will exit the Loop on right deck.
PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This Will Move the active loops position Forward by it’s Length on the Selected Deck.
MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This Will Move the active loops position Backward by it’s Length on the Selected Deck.
CTRL + PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This Will Move the active loops position on left deck Forward by it’s Length.
CTRL + MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This Will Move the active loops position on left deck Backward by it’s Length.
ALT + PLUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This Will Move the active loops position on right deck Forward by it’s Length.
ALT + MINUS : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + L to Change Modes. when in Loop Mode, This Will Move the active loops position on right deck Backward by it’s Length.
— Stems Commands (Note. stems Commands are only availble on VDJ 2021 Onwards.)–
SHIFT + M : Switch Number Key Row Mode to Stems. Note. Pressing ‘M’ twice quickly will set Number Pad keys instead.
1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the vocals on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the vocals on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the vocals on the track playing on Right Deck.
CTRL + ALT + 1 ; Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the vocals on the track playing on Left and Right Decks together..
2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the instruments on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the instruments on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the instruments on the track playing on Right Deck.
CTRK + ALT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the instruments on the track playing on Left and Right Decks together.
3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the bass on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the bass on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the bass on the track playing on Right Deck.
CTRL + ALT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the bass on the track playing on Left and Right Deck together.
4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the kick drum on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the kick drum on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the kick drum on the track playing on Right Deck.
CTRL + ALT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the kick drum on the track playing on Left and Right Decks together.
5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the hi hats on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the hi hats on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the hi hats on the track playing on Right Deck.
CTRL + ALT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will Mute and Unmute the hi hats on the track playing on Left and Right Decks together.
6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will activate / deactivate the vocal (acapella) on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, this will activate / deactivate the vocal (acapella) on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will activate / deactivate the vocal (acapella) on the track playing on Right Deck.
7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will activate / deactivate the instrumental mode (Remove the vocals like Karaoke) on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, this will activate / deactivate theinstrumental mode (Remove the vocals like Karaoke) on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will activate / deactivate the instrumental mode (Remove the vocals like Karaoke) on the track playing on Right Deck.
0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will reset all stems to normal on the track playing on the Currant Selected Deck.
CTRL + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, this will reset all stems to normal on the track playing on Left Deck.
ALT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + M to Change Modes. when in Stems Mode, This will reset all stems to normal on the track playing on Right Deck.
— Hot Cue Commands —
SHIFT + Q : Switch Number Key Row Mode to Cues. Note. Pressing ‘Q’ twice quickly will set Number Pad keys instead.
CTRL + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 1 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 1 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 1 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 2 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 2 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 2 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 3 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 3 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 3 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 4 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 4 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 4 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 5 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 5 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 5 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 6 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 6 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 6 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 7 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 7 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 7 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 8 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 8 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 8 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 9 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 9 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 9 On the Selected Deck.
CTRL + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Set cue point 10 at the current position on the selected decks track.
ALT + 0 : Multi Function Key, Press F11 or SHIFT + Q to Change Modes. When in Cue Mode, This will Go to Cue Point 10 On the Selected Deck.
— Switches and settings —
CTRL + TAB : Open Virtual DJ Settings Panel.
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB : Select which settings panel to open, when using ‘CTRL + TAB’
F5 : Enable Disable Auto Announce of Volume Changes.
SHIFT + F5 : Enable Disable Auto Announce of EQ Changes.
F6 : Enable Disable Auto Announce of Crossfade Changes.
SHIFT + F6 : Enable Disable Video Output.
F7 : Enable Disable Auto Announce of Deck Tempo Changes.
SHIFT + F7 : Enable Disable Beat Lock.
F8 : Enable Disable Warning Notifications.
SHIFT + F8 : Enable Disable Audio and Video Crossfade Linking.
SHIFT + F9 : Enable Disable Pitch Lock.
F10 : Cycle Through Seek Rate Settings.
F11 : Cycle through Number Row Key Modes.
F12 : Cycle through Page Key Modes.
SHIFT + F12 : Cycle through Speech Settings Modes.
SHIFT + DELETE : will reset the key and tempo of the currently selected deck back to the tracks default Values.
— Popup Menu Options —
O : Show Browser Options Menu, This will show different menus depending on which browser panel is active.
CTRL + O : Show Left Deck Options Menu.
ALT + O : Show right deck Options Menu.
CTRL + SHIFT + O : Show Left Deck Play Options Menu.
ALT + SHIFT + O : Show right deck Play Options Menu.
SHIFT + F : Show Search Options Menu.
— Beat Grid, Tempo and Metronome Commands —
M : Enable Disable Beat Grid Metronome.
CTRL + ALT + B : Set Selected decks tempo the same as the tempo on the opposite deck.
B : Set the current position in the track on the selected deck as the first beat.
CTRL + ALT + LEFT : Move the beat grid position back one beat.
CTRL + ALT + RIGHT : Move the beat grid position forward on beat.
SHIFT + T : Switch Page Key Mode to Tempo / BPM Mode.
PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will increase the selected decks tempo.
PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will Decrease the selected decks tempo.
SHIFT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will increase the selected decks tempo by a larger amount.
SHIFT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will Decrease the selected decks tempo by a larger amount.
CTRL + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will increase the Tempo on Left Deck.
CTRL + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will Decrease the Tempo On Left Deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will increase the Tempo on Left Deck by a larger amount.
CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will Decrease the Tempo On Left Deck by a larger amount.
ALT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will increase the tempo on Right Deck.
ALT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will Decrease the Tempo On Right Deck.
ALT + SHIFT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will increase the tempo on Right Deck by a larger amount.
ALT + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in tempo mode, This will Decrease the Tempo On Right Deck by a larger amount.
— Headphone and Microphone Commands —
H : Switch Headphone Output Modes.
SHIFT + H : Announce Current Headphone Output Modes.
CTRL + H : Set Left deck headphone PFL output on or off.
ALT + H : Set right deck headphone PFL output on or off.
CTRL + SHIFT + H : Announce Current Status of headphone PFL output on Left Deck.
ALT + SHIFT + H : Announce Current Status of headphone PFL output on Right Deck.
SHIFT + V : Switch Page Key Mode to Volumes Modes (This Includes Headphone Volume).
SHIFT + G : Switch Page Key Mode to Gain Level Modes (This Includes Headphone Level Gain).
CTRL + ALT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Increase the Headphone Volume. When in Gain mode, This will increase the headphone Gain Level.
CTRL + ALT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press F12 to Change Modes. When in Volume Mode, This will Decrease the Headphone Volume. When in Gain mode, This will Decrease the headphone Gain Level.
CTRL + ALT + V : Announce Headphone Volume Level.
CTRL + C : Announce Headphone Crossfade Position.
ALT + C : Announce Headphone Mix Position.
I : Switch on or Off the Microphone or talk over mode, if a microphone is connected.
SHIFT + I : Enable Input Level controls on the page up and page downl keys.
CTRL + ALT + I : Switch Microphone comman ‘I’ between on/off or Talkover while pressed. (Only available on VDJ Version 2021).
CTRL + I : Switch Line input on / off for the left deck.
ALT + I : Switch Line input on / off for the right deck.
— Key and Pitch Commands —
CTRL + ALT + K : Set Selected decks key the same as the key on the opposite deck.
CTRL + SHIFT + K : Enable Disable Key Lock on Left Deck.
ALT + SHIFT + K : Enable Disable Key Lock on Right Deck.
CTRL + ALT + SPACE : Reset Key and BPM / Pitch on selected deck to default setting.
SHIFT + K : Set Pagekeys to Key change mode.
PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + K or F12 to Change Modes. When in Key Mode, This will Increase the Key of the track on the current selected Deck.
PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + K or F12 to Change Modes. When in Key Mode, This will lower the Key of the track on the current selected Deck.
CTRL + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + K or F12 to Change Modes. When in Key Mode, This will Increase the Key of the track on the Left Deck.
CTRL + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + K or F12 to Change Modes. When in Key Mode, This will lower the Key of the track on the Left Deck.
ALT + PAGE UP : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + K or F12 to Change Modes. When in Key Mode, This will Increase the Key of the track on the Right Deck.
ALT + PAGE DOWN : Multi Function Key, Press SHIFT + K or F12 to Change Modes. When in Key Mode, This will lower the Key of the track on the Right Deck.
CTRL + SPACE : Reset Key and Tempo of Left Deck to default.
ALT + SPACE : Reset Key and Tempo of Right Deck to default.
— Recording and Broadcasting Commands —
R : Start or Stop Recording if in Record Mode, or Start or Stop Broadcasting if in Broadcast Mode.
SHIFT + R : Announce the current recording length, if in Recording Mode.
CTRL + R : Open the Record Configuration Panel, If in Record Mode.
CTRL + ALT + R : Switch between Record and Broadcast Mode..
— Karaoke Commands —
N : Announce Next Karaoke Singer and Song.